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Frequent questions

  • What is the difference between Prosecco DOC and Prosecco DOCG di Valdobbiadene?
    The DOC designation guarantees that the prosecco comes from a specific area with rigorous production standards, while the DOCG (Controlled and Guaranteed Designation of Origin) represents the highest level of quality and tradition.
  • Come devo conservare il Prosecco DOC di Valdobbiadene?
    Conserva il prosecco in un luogo fresco e buio, idealmente tra 10-15°C, in posizione orizzontale per mantenere il tappo umido.
  • Qual è la temperatura ideale per servire il Prosecco DOC di Valdobbiadene?
    Il prosecco dovrebbe essere servito freddo, tra 6-8°C, per esaltarne il gusto e l’effervescenza.
  • What is your return and refund policy?
    We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our products. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, please read the section dedicated to "Return conditions"
  • Is Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOC suitable for vegan or vegetarian diets?
    Yes, our Prosecco is vegan and vegetarian, it does not contain ingredients of animal origin.
  • How can I contact your customer service?
    You can contact our customer service via email at or by filling out the form in the "Contacts" section
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